Basophil TestingThe absolute basophil count tells you the total count of basophils in the sample. The basophil percentage tells you what percentage of white blood cell count is made up of basophils. It is found in the complete blood count (CBC) with differential panel. The percentage is arguably more accurate that absolute, as it takes into account the total production of white blood cells and compares the amount of basophils to this total. Basophils compose 0.5% to 1% of all leukocytes in the human body. They are found in all inflammatory reactions, especially allergic reactions, and also play a role in both internal and external parasitic infections. During an inflammatory response, basophils produce histamines and heparin. Histamines enlarge blood vessels in affected areas. Heparin prevents clotting. Basophils are primarily associated with diseases that cause tissue inflammation. Basophils in PregnancyDuring pregnancy basophil levels slightly decrease and return to normal 4-6 weeks postpartum. This decrease should not be evident in the blood work. Although their role in pregnancy is still being elucidated, basophils are believed to contribute to the regulation of tissue repair processes. High Basophils in PregnancyLimited Research. Causes of High Basophils in Pregnancy
Low Basophils in PregnancyLimited Research Due to measurement techniques, analysis at low levels is difficult, due to the small presence of basophils in samples. Causes of Low Basophils in Pregnancy
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Hi There!I'm Sarah Thompson, the author of Functional Maternity, and the upcoming book Beyond Results - A practitioner's Handbook to Effective Functional Lab Analysis in Pregnancy. Lab Tests